WING&ICE - Winging on ice

Yes, it's possible and it's called wing on ice! 🌬️⛸️ This new sport comes to the winter scene with frosty days and will put a smile on the face not only of lovers of adrenaline experiences. But what exactly is a wing on ice? Imagine that you are standing on ice skates, holding a wing in your hand, which propels you across a frozen lake and you let yourself be carried away by the force of the wind. All this without the need to travel to distant and more expensive destinations! Why should you try it?

1. You don't need to have a lot of money: Compared to other water and winter sports, wing on ice does not require expensive equipment, and we practically all have part of the equipment       in our garage at home - skates :-)

2. A sport for everyone: No matter if you are a beginner or an experienced adrenaline junkie, ice winging is accessible to everyone.

3. Great workout: You'll strengthen your body, improve your balance and coordination, all while enjoying the fresh air with the whole family!

4. Freedom and flexibility: Lakes, ponds, smaller bodies of water are almost everywhere and if they are frozen, your playground is right in front of you.

Now that you know what winging on ice is and why you should definitely try it, let's take a look at some tips to get you started:

🌟 Choose the right equipment: Quality skates and a wing that matches your weight and skill level are the keys to success.

🌟 Learn the basics: Whether from friends who have already tried winging on the ice, or under the supervision of an experienced instructor, you should have the basic technique at your fingertips.

🌟 Remember safety: Never step on ice unless you are sure of its strength and always inform someone of your plan.

🌟 Enjoy it: The greatest charm of ice winging is in the freedom and joy of movement. You don't have to be rich to experience something amazing. Wing on Ice is proof that unforgettable experiences can be achievable and accessible. So what do you say, give it a shot? And if you've already tried winging on ice, share your experience and tips for beginners in the comments.
